Lecture 1 | Next Lecture |
Lecture 1, Thu 01/18
Orientation to the course(Diba)
About the course
- What is the goal of 190J?
- Why are we not teaching you how to teach?
- Why do we ask the entire staff to attend?
Graded components
- Tutoring for your specific course (40%)
- 190J specific assignments and homeworks (including course specific hwks) (60%)
- Projects (2): 40%
- Homeworks (3 - 6 ): 20% CS190J hwks are available on the course website, course specific hwks will be given by the instructor
Expectations on course specific tutoring:
- Responsive: As a tutor you will be working with the instructor and the students. You are expected to respond to be respond appropriately and in a timely fashion (slack/Piazza/email)
- Reliabile: This means showing up ON TIME to your scheduled lab hours, keeping up with your commitments and deadlines
- Proactive: Observe the students in your lab sections and offer to assist them. You must appear “available” to students during your hours and not immersed in your devices.
- Prepared: Read the lab instructions carefully before appearing for your sections, read the lecture slides
- Helpful: Be respectful and try your best. Say I don’t know when you really don’t but seek help from the TA or instructor to make sure that the student received the help they need.
- Ethical: You must follow good ethics in your ineteraction with students and are required by university rules to report any cases of harrassment or inappropriate behavior to you instructor immediately
- An observation of one-on-one tutoring by your supervising instructor: Schedule these observations with your course specific instructor in Week 4
- A final paper summarizing your learning in the course: Due on the last day of instruction
For more information please read the syllabus!
HW 00
Bios and photos to share with students. For more information see hw0 writeup
Questions about any outstanding issues?